
  A: I will never recommend that medical practice, even to my nemesis? B: Why so? A: They have a pathetic front-desk staff? No etiquettes, disorganized and sheer wastage of time, visiting that hospital. And there goes all your hard-work straight in the drain. You know how they say, “first impression matters”? This is apt … Read moreENHANCE YOUR PRACTICE’S FRONT-DESK EFFICIENCY

Ensure successful training for EHR Implementation


In one of our previous blogs, we discussed what steps can a healthcare service provider take to ensure effective implementation of Electronic Health record. One of the pointers mentioned in it was to designate a leader that will provide smooth management of the newly implemented EHR. In continuation with that we will be discussing today, … Read moreEnsure successful training for EHR Implementation

Rationalise your charge entry practice

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Of all the intricate processes that make up the medical billing and coding in the healthcare industry, be it Insurance verification, medical transcription, claim submission, payment posting, one process which holds utmost prominence, considering heightened intricacies of its own is charge entry practice. Why, you ask? Because charge entry process if overlooked will impact your eligibility … Read moreRationalise your charge entry practice

Keys To Successful Implementation Of Any Healthcare Technology


Healthcare industry is undergoing massive change due to political and regulatory modifications. It is becoming increasingly difficult to operate a healthcare business because of its complexity and the profit margins are becoming narrower each day. The modern healthcare flourishes on enhanced technology of health and management which helps these organizations in improving its efficiency. But … Read moreKeys To Successful Implementation Of Any Healthcare Technology

Healthcare Technology Continuum & Care Environment


Healthcare providers are moving forward in a swift pace to improve everything from their services to the finances. The advanced technology has simplified their task to a great extent. It has changed the way of practice, diagnose and usage of equipments, which is truly revolutionary. Rapidly developing medical technology has changed the way healthcare is … Read moreHealthcare Technology Continuum & Care Environment