Proper Coding is the magic trick to get claims paid on the first go!”
Medphine have mastered the art of generating clean claims for the providers and to accomplish the goal of getting paid through the first submission.
It has become crucial for healthcare providers to take utmost care while coding claims, because payers have become highly vigilant in adjudication and reimbursement of claims.
Normally, in other companies the billing procedures can take anywhere from several days to months to complete. But we at Medphine accomplish this task at the soonest time possible. This is possible because of our highly trained and well equipped staff who put in all the efforts to bring home the success.
Medical billing regulations are complex and fast changing.Keeping staff and billing systems up to date with the latest billing rules is a challenge, but we always strive to overcome it and succeed. We understand the value of time and undertake actions so as to make it a smooth work flow for the client party.